
Materials: enamel, smalt, cacholong, jasper, hornfels, serpentinite, marble, flint.

Height: 135 mm.

Every Soviet child knew by heart the poem about Uncle Styopa, waved with admiration at anyone who reminded this heroic image and shouted “Goodbye Uncle Styopa, Uncle Styopa the traffic light!” How one wished to be as strong and brave to help people around him, or to be a mentor to those who needed it.

The hero of the new stonework in the “When we were kids” series sneakily takes his mother’s lipstick to paint red police shoulder straps on pieces of carton and sew them onto probably his one and only white shirt. In childhood, all you need is one small detail to further fantasize about your own image. And here the boy is already transformed and, fixing the cap on his head, he proudly goes out into the street to help the citizens. His first mission is to rescue a puppy embarrassed by the young policeman’s attention and show him where to cross the road safely.

Professionally chosen and carved various kinds of stone well convey a variety of textures and materials: cacholong – a shirt of rough white fabric, hornfels – polished to a shine leather boots, the most finely worked – the hair of the dog.