Breath of the Wind (Sail II)

Material: bronze.

Height: 300 mm.

Length: 401 mm.

 “The soul is a sail. The wind is life.”

 (M. Tsvetaeva)

An allegory of wind, aspiration, soul and life appears in a new bronze work by Sergey Falkin. A lonely sail driven by the wind is an ancient image with thousands of years of history.  Even in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs its images symbolized air, impulse, creative breathing and urge for action. The sail was an attribute of both the Roman spirit of air and the Greek sea nymph Nereid, an embodiment of the calm and shiny sea.

But in the author’s sculpture the flowing soft lines draw not just a ship under sail, but an anthropomorphic image. The wind-blown sail seems to turn into a man, spreading his wings towards the wind – towards life.

The sculpture is about striving and movement, about strength of character and wisdom. After all the sailboat exists in two elements at the same time, but it does not submit to any of them, and it does not struggle, but conquers the wind and the ocean by uniting with them. To sail against the wind, as well as to move towards the waves, will never manage to man.

A symbol of purposefulness and inflexibility, the way to dreams and perfection in unity with the elements and forces of nature.